Your CEO Teacher® Type Is…
The Helping Hand
Here's what your type says about you:
You care. A lot. You’ve dedicated so much of your time and energy to helping others you should get an award. But you don’t need one because being selfless comes easy to you. Thoughtfulness and service are two of your most integral personal values.
Empathy and compassion are your love languages. You see the best in everyone and your presence uplifts your friends, family, and students alike.
You believe the world would be a better place if people could see themselves like you see them: unique, whole, and perfect. And if they would just practice a teensy bit more patience (towards themselves and others).
You work hard and love unconditionally. People are drawn to you and your meaningful encouragement is often the glue that holds the group together. Your mission in life is to elevate others and you never shy away from a tough situation.
It’s no wonder you’re such an incredible teacher. You’re passionately committed to helping your students reach their full potential and you’ll do whatever it takes to get them there (even though it sometimes leaves you with nothing left to nurture yourself).
The Helping Hand In a Nutshell:
(wait, isn’t this a nut-free zone?!)
Your Top CEO Teacher® Qualities At-a-Glance:
Your highschool yearbook superlative:
Most likely to give you the shirt off her back. And shoes off of her feet.
What you *wish* your students would gift you:
Volunteering to cook and serve dinner at the homeless shelter. Or a spa day.
Your guilty pleasure:
Long baths with escapist fiction, chocolate, and notifications turned OFF.
Your celebrity alter-ego:
Angelina Jolie meets Alfred Pennyworth.
How Your CEO Teacher® Type Can Help You Make Extra Income
Your personality combined with your experience in the classroom is a recipe for success beyond your wildest recess daydreams (cause, let's be real, that’s about the only time you’ve got to daydream, am I right?)
If you’ve ever asked yourself…
“How can I share my curriculum and resources with others and make a bit of extra cash at the same time?”
“How can I help even more people by sharing what I know?”
“How can I live a freer, more flexible life while still helping and teaching others?”
You’re in the right place.
Your detailed quiz results are designed to give you an action plan based on who you are and where you’re at in your teacher business journey.
No more guessing games and endless Google searches, your path to becoming a thriving CEO Teacher® begins now.
VIP INVITE: Join the Teacher Income Challenge!
Make what you deserve as an educator while doing what you love… that is my ultimate wish for you! 🥳️
The Teacher Income Challenge is your quickstart to building an online teacher business that will give you the ability to live the life you want while making a bigger impact on more students around the globe!
Whether you love teaching with your whole heart and want to keep molding little minds with just a bit more flexibility, or maybe your secret desire is to leave the classroom and pursue a different path in education. No matter where you are on the journey, this challenge is for you.
JOIN THE CHALLENGE!↓↓ Keep reading to learn how to bring your CEO Teacher® dreams to life! ↓↓
Your CEO Teacher® Success Path Starts Here…
And there’s room for everyone on the playground.
As a Helping Hand, this might all sound a little too good to be true.
You might even be asking yourself:
“Who am I to start an online business or sell my teaching resources?”
^The better question is who are you NOT to?
Every superstar business owner you see blowing up Instagram and selling dozens of resources daily on Teachers Pay Teachers has ONE thing in common.
They’re all just people.
Before you read your action plan, will you promise me something?
Let go of the idea that *everything* needs to be perfect.
A+ might be your goal for your students, but you can’t do the work for them. And if you use up all of your time organizing homework club, supervising chess club, coaching junior and varsity volleyball, staying after school to help your students with math, and sitting on the board, you’ll never have the energy to prioritize your own growth.
Give yourself permission to say no. Once you set some strong, loving boundaries you’ll finally have the time to focus on your own goals and dreams. And once you’ve filled up your own cup, you’ll be able to give freely from a place of abundance and grace.
You’ll finally have the time to focus on your own dreams.
And you’ll stop holding yourself back because you “you don’t have time” or “you’re not ready” — there’s no such thing 😉
Based on your responses, these are the next steps to take on your journey to thriving CEO Teacher®!
“It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.”
- Mother Teresa
Erase to make space
Ok, my Helping Hand, friend, this one might not be easy…
But the first thing you need to let go of to make space for your CEO Teacher® dreams is the idea that you don’t deserve the same sort of help that you generously give to everyone around you.
Yep, that’s right. You already know that you would benefit from getting a bit better at setting boundaries. Now imagine if you got comfortable actually asking for help?!
Before you run away in fear, hear me out. Take a look at your long list of responsibilities and commitments. Maybe even write them down. Is there anything on there that you could ask for help with? Even though it might make you feel a lil’ bit squirmy inside?
I used to think that I had to do everything and be everything, too. And it wasn’t just exhausting, it was depressing. I never felt like I was on top of anything. And no matter how much I accomplished, I still felt like I wasn’t good enough.
These days, I get help with almost everything. I have an amazing team to help me with my business. I ask my children to clean up after themselves.
And my husband even folds our laundry (because sorting, washing, drying and folding 7 loads in one day is too much for anyone.)
You can start small, too.
Maybe you ask one of your students to step in and be in charge of watering the class plants.
Or you ask one of your children to take over walking the dog.
Or even, (GASP!) you take a mental health day and ask a sub to come in so that you can clear off some of those tasks on your to-do list that are just for you.
Believe me, once you start letting other people help you, your sense of self-worth will begin to sky-rocket and you’ll free up a whole bunch of time to focus on your CEO Teacher® goals.
Define your passion
What drew you to teaching in the first place? And what about it still lights you up?
Even on the most stressful days in the classroom, there’s that special something that keeps you going, right?
Maybe it’s the light in their eyes when your students finally start to understand long form division.
Or that feeling you get when you have the privilege of introducing your class to one of your favorite novels (To Kill a Mockingbird never gets old).
Or maybe it’s even the sense of satisfaction you get from finishing the last comment on the final report card of the year (I mean someone’s gotta like writing report cards, right?)
Take note of whatever it is that really lights you up in the classroom. Because your passion is going to become your niche. It will become what you teach beyond those 4 germ covered walls you call your second home.
When you build your business around what you love and share resources you’re truly passionate about, you’ll always be excited about creating new content. And you’ll always feel good about what you’re teaching.
All the online business experts will tell you “the riches are in the niches” but I can’t help but add “your passion will lead you to MORE than just profit”.
Determine your goals
This is about impact as much as it’s about money. Maybe even more so. But don’t shy away from thinking big, friend.
The more abundant you are, the more you can afford to share, and the greater the impact you can make.
So, what are you looking for?
In his book, The 7 Habits of Successful People, Steven Covey talks about the importance of knowing your end goal.
“To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.”
Knowing your end goal or the bigger WHY behind your desire to become a CEO Teacher® is going to be what motivates you along the way.
Are you mostly interested in providing other teachers with awesome resources that will help save them time and energy so that you can work less in the classroom and more on your own terms?
Would you be happy to make a few extra dollars a month? (In my first month I made $50 and I was ecstatic.)
Are you looking to get yourself out of the classroom entirely or just supplement your income so that you can put your own kids through college and take a vacation every other year or so?
Here’s what I want you to do:
- Plan a 30-minute block where you can sit down uninterrupted (easier said than done, I feel you!)
- Grab a pen & paper and divide it into 4 sections:
SECTION 1: Your big bold beautiful dreams go here.
Permission to dream big, granted! This space is for jotting down your wildest ambitions, your best case scenario, your absolute game changer type goals.
Use this space to cast a vision that feels slightly unattainable right now and definitely outside of your comfort zone. I’m not promising you’ll make these happen in 6 months — but if you write them down, you will make them happen.
SECTION 2: The mindset blocks and limiting beliefs coming up for you when you think about reaching your big goals.
Let’s not ignore the little voice that loves to butt in and say,
“That's impossible!”
“Who are you to do this?”
“There’s too much competition!”
Because that voice will NEVER go away, and the more you try to ignore it, the more conniving it gets.
Hear that voice out and write down your fears, your hesitations, the things you feel are standing in your way. In doing this, you neutralize them and can more easily see them for what they are: excuses your ego is making to try and keep you safe, comfortable, and small.
SECTION 3: 3 things you can do in the next 3 months to get closer to your goals
Here’s how you’re going to sidestep overwhelm and make major progress in the next 3 months even if you’re strapped for time…
You’re going to accomplish 3 things in 3 months that will bring you 3 steps closer to your goals. That’s it.
If you’re just getting started those 3 things might be:
- Get clear on who I want to serve, what I’m passionate about, and what my niche will be.
- Create first product on Teachers Pay Teachers.
- Reach out personally to teachers I think this could help.
Now, each of these 3 things has their own subset of micro-tasks. Those are what you’ll be working on in the 45-minutes you’ve given yourself at the end of each school day for example.
Make a list of subtasks under each 3-month objective and systematically work through those to-do’s in the time you give yourself to build your CEO Teacher® business each day.
SECTION 4: Where you want to be 1-year from now
This is different from your dream big section. This is a space where you can set some S.M.A.R.T goals (what teacher doesn’t love acronyms, am I right?!)
Smart goals are:
S - specific
M - measurable
A - achievable
R - relevant
T - time bound
If you're a beginner CEO Teacher®, maybe your 3 goals look something like this…
- Make my first $5,000 online.
- Help 50 teachers or 1,000 students.
- Create a website and start building an email list.
Whatever your goals are, I’m here to help.
…but wait, maybe you’re wondering:
"Who are you and how can you help me become a thriving CEO Teacher®?"
Hey there! I’m Kayse Morris — teacher, online business owner, mama to 4 wild boys and a baby girl, wife to my bestie, and Peloton fanatic.
I’m an English teacher, but I still can’t find the words to tell you how happy I am that you’re here.
As a teacher, you’re uniquely positioned to succeed in the online education industry — whether you’re selling your teaching resources, a course, or something else.
I know, I know, the mere thought of that might make you break out in hives.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard: “I’m a teacher NOT an entrepreneur!” — but here’s what I learned the hard way…
There’s an infinite amount of opportunity out there and a finite number of people with the natural skills to reach out and grab it.
Let me give you the TLDR; version of how I went from classroom to online courses, a thriving CEO Teacher® community, and the confidence to share this knowledge with others…
In 2013, I started selling my teaching resources on Teachers Pay Teachers out of necessity — I had every teaching degree under the sun but still wasn’t making ends meet.
Little did I know, that necessity would turn into a life changing discovery. I found freedom not just financially but in my heart, too (forgive the cheesiness, friend — I can’t help myself!)
I realized that helping other teachers was my calling and after that, nothing could stop me.
I pulled myself out of the funkiest funk I’ve ever been in (otherwise known as extreme postpartum depression) and built an online business dedicated to helping teachers do the same.
The online course industry is estimated to reach $325 billion by 2025 and teachers are uniquely positioned to grab a piece of that pie!
Here’s why:
- You CARE!
- You know how to nurture and build community
- You know how to TEACH (duh, right?)
If you don’t believe in yourself just yet, or you’re worried about lack of time, knowledge, or resources, I’m going to show you how to kick those fears to the curb, start small, and if you want — go big!
Welcome to a world where there is no ceiling and where you get to make an impact on your terms. I’m honored to be your guide.
The best is yet to come,
- Kayse
Get to Know Your Type
As a teacher, your job is to help your students own their strengths and understand their weaknesses. There’s no such thing as the “perfect” student, and that’s what makes teaching so interesting! We’ve all been blessed with unique gifts — and YOU are no different.
As a CEO Teacher®, it’s important to know your own strengths and weaknesses (aka. rainbows and rockslides) and how they might help or hinder your progress as a business owner.
The sooner you get clear on what these are, the sooner you’ll be able to tackle the action plan I gave you above. Luckily, knowing your CEO Teacher® Type makes this process a whole lot easier.
Your Rainbows and Rockslides as The Helping Hand
- You have a natural talent for making sure people always feel seen and cared for
- You’re extremely giving. More than once you’ve gone hungry to feed a student
- You’re always thoughtful, warm hearted, and sincere. Parents appreciate the time and effort you put into giving individual feedback to each of your students
- You’re easy to like and light up every room you walk through. If there was a ‘Teacher of the Year’ award, you’d always win it
- You find it hard to set boundaries, so administrators are sometimes confused when you finally get up the gumption to say ‘no’
- Giving too much can leave you exhausted and irritable
- You’re sometimes insecure that people don’t like you and it makes you anxious
- Your drive to help can be felt as intrusive to other people
Want even more insight and inspiration?
(These are basically the CEO Teacher® equivalent of a desk full of gifts at the end of the school year…)
- Join the community for CEO Teachers® that’ll keep you inspired, connected, and thriving!
- Multimillions, Mom of 5, and Coach to All Teachers – Why Not You? - Starting a business isn't always easy, but the first step is believing you can actually do it. Get encouraged and inspired right here!
- 5 Steps to Earn Your Teaching Salary in Less than 1 Year Online - Your playbook to getting your business going with 5 actionable steps to start making extra income online.
- 7 Extra Streams of Revenue for Any Teacher - Making extra money online is all about tapping into multiple streams of income, and this is the perfect place to start!
- CEO Teacher® Time Management Tips - If there's one thing I constantly get questions about, it's how do you make time for it all when you're a busy teacher?! Here's how to maximize the small amount of time you have to make a big impact.
The Best Is Yet To Come...
You know that feeling when you tuck into a really great book? Consider this Chapter 1 of your future as a thriving CEO Teacher®. I’ve got so much more in store for you, friend.
Helping you reach your goals, help more people, and create more freedom and flexibility in your life is my mission and dedication doesn’t even begin to describe my approach.